It has never been this easy to dive into the epic world of Age of Sigmar

1. Skaventide is the best box Age of Sigmar has ever seen
In the Warhammer hobby world, the launch of a new edition always brings a new launch box. The boxes are packed full of value with all of the rules needed and two complete forces ready to battle. Their purpose is to onboard new players, and Skaventide is the best launch box Warhammer has ever seen.
Skaventide has a whopping 74 models from two fan-favorite factions. Many people, myself included, were thrilled to see the new grim aesthetic for the typically shining and heavenly Stormcast Eternals.
Skaven have long been one of, if not the most, beloved Age of Sigmar faction held back by a desperate need for updated models. Fortunately for us, the new artistic directions for these factions were executed beautifully. From the gorgeous Lord-Vigilant to the hilariously contrived Ratling Warpblaster, the results speak for themselves.

I truly believe this is the best set of miniatures the Age of Sigmar team has ever released in a launch box, and I don’t know if we will ever get a better one. The value doesn’t stop there though: alongside these two amazing new forces, Skaventide has everything you need to get started in the exciting new Spearhead mode.
2. Spearhead is revolutionizing small scale wargaming

Age of Sigmar 4th Edition is releasing alongside an all new way to play, perfect for beginner and casual players. Spearhead is a new rule set designed to create strategic battles with only one Spearhead or Vanguard box per player. By reducing unit sizes, allowing you to control more units with the same number of models, and introducing mechanics returning models to play after they are defeated, Spearhead simulates the feeling of an epic Age of Sigmar battle with only a small amount of miniatures.
Spearhead is not a stripped back and lesser version of the full Warhammer experience. In some ways, Spearhead has even more tactical depth than standard Age of Sigmar. All Spearhead forces are custom balanced for the game mode. This means their individual and army abilities have been retooled to accommodate the fixed rosters and smaller board. The fewer number of models and rules means Spearhead will be more tightly tuned for balance than a massive game of Warhammer. Additionally, Spearhead uses a custom deck of mission cards with unique objectives, meaning no two games will play the same.
The new Skaventide box set is complete with two Spearhead forces, the rat-men Skaven and armored Stormcast Eternals, the “Fire and Jade” Spearhead rules, mission deck, board, and terrain. Split Skaventide with a friend, snap your models together, and you’re ready to battle on a complete board: it has never been easier to start playing Age of Sigmar.
3. These Sprues Love You

Push-fit models, meaning models that snap together with pegs instead of being glued, are somewhat divisive among Warhammer enthusiasts. Many love them for their easy of assembly for new players, while others dislike them because they often leave unfortunate gaps in the miniature. After assembling my Skaventide box, the only thing I want to do is shake the hand of whoever designed these models. We saw this last year with Warhammer 40k’s Leviathan launch box, but it cannot be understated how excellent these push-fit models are to assemble.
For example, Age of Sigmar’s previous launch box, Dominion, came with the beautiful Yndrasta, whose massive, heavy, angel wings were attached by two tiny little pegs on her back. In the three years since her release, my Yndrasta’s wing has repeatedly fallen off until I decided enough was enough and stuck it in a glob of super glue.
In contrast, the angelic new Prosecutors in Skaventide have long pegs in their wings that combine the wings together by threading them through one hole all the way through the torso. This ingenious improvement is only one example of how well engineered these new models are. If you have never touched a Warhammer miniature before, Skaventide is the box to dive in. You will not find more beginner friendly miniatures anywhere else.
You don’t want to miss out on Skaventide. Lucky for you, we have it here at Tower Games! Once it releases on Saturday, July 13th, you can come by and pick up your copy. You can also order online to make sure you get your copy – launch boxes tend to fly off the shelves. I’ll see you in the Age of Sigmar!
